Refuse derived fuel

Solid Recovered Fuel - SRF | Refused Derived Fuel - RDF

Solid Recovered Fuel and Refused Derived Fuel are a green coal replacement produced from combustible components of municipal solid waste (MSW). The waste is shredded, dried and baled and then burned to produce electricity, thereby making good use of waste that otherwise might have ended up in landfill.

EISENHARDT processes 2,000 Mt monthly of high quality SRF from Argentina and RDF from our associated producer from Germany that processes 30,000 Mt monthly.

EISENHARDT`s UK producer is the only company in UK that has legal permits to export outside European market with price subsidized by UK government as a waste material and not classified as fuel.

Extensive tests have been conducted using RDF in Cement Kilns since 1977 and the results have always been positive. The grades of RDF produced now are fully compatible with incinerators and cement kilns so no adjustments are required to receive RDF as a kiln fuel.

The Buyers Pack explains the procedures to initiate the process for the supply of RDF for prospective buyers. The pack includes information to assist buyers, which will help in establishing a successful contract, leading to RDF delivery.

We also prepared a comparition table between steam coal and RDF, showing the comparative benefits in costs that this eco material has to give.

Solid Recovered Fuel and Refused Derived Fuel are regulated in Europe as EWC (European Waste Catalogue) code 19.12.10. It is deemed as nondangerous waste, subject to export license specifically addressed to destination plant and inclusive of destination Country's authority’s approval (procedure known as "prior written notification and consent"). Destination Country must be signatory of Basel Convention on wastes.

Solid Recovered Fuel and Refused Derived Fuel are a excellent replacement with low costs and higher profit margin than coal and the most important is that it is a recycled material that contributes with the sustainability.

Current Users of RDF:

  • Fuel-intensive industries for power, heat or both
  • Cement factories, textile mills, sugar producers, steel producers
  • Incinerators for power, heat or both
  • Co-firing with coal at power stations
  • Co-firing with other biomass fuels
  • Advanced Thermal Treatments such as gasification or pyrolysis


Substantial additional cost savings are achieved via the following:

  • 1. RDF can be stored inside or outside therefore does not require special storage conditions as with steam coal.
  • 2. Import duty on RDF can be as low as 9%, sometimes lower, compared with Steam Coal currently at 16%.
  • 3. RDF may not require limestone to be purchased to reduce sulphur as the sulphur content is very low compared with steam coal.
  • 4. Eco friendly product that cooperates to reduce the green house gases.

  • In case you are interested to enter in the sale-purchase process, please solicit us via email Buyers Pack documents to be completed by authorized importer.
